
Showing posts from 2015


Lately here in the United States of America we have seen such violence outbreaks. One of the most common is police officers taking advantage of there authority. There has also been mass shootings across the states ;furthermore, innocent people dying. If your anything like me your probably wondering "God where are you when these things happen?" I immediately shake that off because God is watching He is very aware of everything that is happening. Just like He was aware of our nation defying him and his commandments. "A nation that defies Him, he plans judgment. And no one, not even his chosen messengers, will escape suffering but His presence will make them strong enough to face it". We have all seen how our nation has forgotten the Faith in Christ it was built upon. Our nation now allows sin as the norm. But do not conform to the patterns of this world as it so states in the scriptures. It is a time for prayer because sin will not go unpunished He is a God o...

Spiritual babies and Victory!

" I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me ." (Jesus speaking)   John 14:6 This is one of my favorite verses from the bible. This clearly states that no one comes to know God if its not through Jesus. You have to know Jesus. Have an encounter with him. "For by grace have ye been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of works, that no man should glory. When beginning your walk with God it is very important to fix your eyes on Jesus and not on the works of man. See it is not mans job to reveal Jesus to you it is Jesus himself who reveals himself to you. It is only mans job to communicate the truth about the gospel. Some of us might say "no I'm to young to follow all these set of rules and really to young to not have fun". That's where many of us have failed to portray the real Jesus we make him seem unloving to controlling, and cruel but really he is the one that die...

The Jabez Prayer

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!" So God granted him what he requested. 1 Chronicles 4:10 "Do we really understand how far the American Dream is from God's dream for us"?  "See this world tells you to go to school and be successful and lets be honest success is determined by how much money you have in your bank account right?! See everyday of your life you are told go to school get a great career and you'll be successful have fancy things. But where are the people telling you to Trust in me your God in my perfect will and calling for you? You all work to be successful in this world but don't you know you are not of this world? Why do you promote worldly success over spiritual God given success? Where is your faith? Why are you willing to spend  years le...


Fellow readers,    First and for most I would like to thank God for every trial every hardship and every struggle in my life, especially the most recent ones because if it wasn't for those struggles I would have not known my calling in my life today. God has revealed to me little by little what it is that really drives my heart and fills me with a great passion and joy to pursue those fruitful and righteous desires for justice. About a month ago and a half ago I had told God I was done I was tired I was exhausted and asked the same question I had asked over and over again and endlessly throughout all the hardships. That question was "why"?! why me God? I was angry praying to God with tears in my eyes and resentment in my heart. I asked why I had to lose a mother will others selfishly disrespect there's, I asked why when I was fifteen my dad was diagnosed with cancer I told him "didn't you know what that would do to me"?! " didn't you s...

Your relationship with God (where you stand)

In my personal experience with my walk with God there have been many trials. But here's the good thing about that see God himself promises to be by my side and yours at all times Deuteronomy 31:6 and yes, he's always been there of that I'm absolutely sure or I wouldn't be talking about this today or even be victorious for that matter. Yes, I'm guilty I'm a sinner I fail him daily but everyday no! Every breath that you and I take is another chance to seek his mercy, to seek his grace to redeem yourself. To fall on my knees and declare that I'm weak and that in he alone(Jesus Christ) I find peace and rest and a warm embrace: and in that moment that's my victory to prove victorious against all evil and wickedness and every lie the devil tries to throw at me. That's what separates me from my enemies. To know God is to Love him. To stand against every trial teaches me perseverance ; To love him teaches me forgiveness and compassion. I stand strai...