Fellow readers, First and for most I would like to thank God for every trial every hardship and every struggle in my life, especially the most recent ones because if it wasn't for those struggles I would have not known my calling in my life today. God has revealed to me little by little what it is that really drives my heart and fills me with a great passion and joy to pursue those fruitful and righteous desires for justice. About a month ago and a half ago I had told God I was done I was tired I was exhausted and asked the same question I had asked over and over again and endlessly throughout all the hardships. That question was "why"?! why me God? I was angry praying to God with tears in my eyes and resentment in my heart. I asked why I had to lose a mother will others selfishly disrespect there's, I asked why when I was fifteen my dad was diagnosed with cancer I told him "didn't you know what that would do to me"?! " didn't you s...