"Be quiet! Be still!"
"Be quiet, Be still!" Those where the words Jesus muttered after He was awakened in a hurried manner to find his disciples in distress over a storm. You see, He was on a boat. A storm was coming and everyone with the exception of Him was afraid. I was on that boat. In fact, I am on that boat. I feel like the weight of the World is crushing down upon me. Storms and waves keep crashing, they just take different forms. Waves of doubt, heavy rains of judgment and criticism, thunder of rejection and storms of them all put together to make one intimidating hurricane. These waves of doubt look like a lot of looking left and right only to see everyone around me doing so well at whatever they are doing when I dont even seem to have a clue what im doing, what im called to, or even what will become of me. I have no answers to any of those things, all I know is that this is a place where I have been lead and doubt has crept into my mind and it has stolen my peace, my hope, my faith....