Are you thirsty? While washing dishes a while ago I was contemplating something. About how all the money, the fame prestige, and success how none of it really matters because it just simply isn't enough. I didn't know what exactly I hungered for and craved but none of those options never pleased me, it always leaves me empty. I was looking at my phone , I have Samsung Galaxy S5 and I got a notification on how I'm due for an upgrade. My first thought was "about freaking time!" probably what any other teenager my age would say. But then quickly, my thoughts shifted to how easily I folded to want the next best thing, how easily I invited the idea that the more newer materialistic things I had the better off I was in societies eyes, and I began to feel sick. Sick because when did I get this far enthralled in the world that I know feared what they say of me, what they think of me its all a never ending cycle and it never leads ...