
Showing posts from December, 2015


Lately here in the United States of America we have seen such violence outbreaks. One of the most common is police officers taking advantage of there authority. There has also been mass shootings across the states ;furthermore, innocent people dying. If your anything like me your probably wondering "God where are you when these things happen?" I immediately shake that off because God is watching He is very aware of everything that is happening. Just like He was aware of our nation defying him and his commandments. "A nation that defies Him, he plans judgment. And no one, not even his chosen messengers, will escape suffering but His presence will make them strong enough to face it". We have all seen how our nation has forgotten the Faith in Christ it was built upon. Our nation now allows sin as the norm. But do not conform to the patterns of this world as it so states in the scriptures. It is a time for prayer because sin will not go unpunished He is a God of justice