GRACE undeserved, unmerited, unearned. Unmerited Undeserved favor of God in providing salvation for those deserving condemnation. Gods ultimate form of grace was manifested in the gift of His son to die in the place of sinners. Grace is why we are able to wake up to see another day. It's not just a second chance, it's a third, a fourth, a fifth. It's a human illogical act of love that keeps on giving regardless of our past. But he said to me, "my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians - 12:9 "Grace" is difficult for us to understand because it's illogical. It does not follow nor appeal to our human nature and it goes against the way the world works. Ex: The Merit System- If you work hard, study, and get an education you'll end up in a great college ;thus, have a successful life. Its Based on having all the right qualifications and the many list of achievements. Its a ...