undeserved, unmerited, unearned.
- Undeserved favor of God in providing salvation for those deserving condemnation.
- Gods ultimate form of grace was manifested in the gift of His son to die in the place of sinners.
- Grace is why we are able to wake up to see another day. It's not just a second chance, it's a third, a fourth, a fifth. It's a human illogical act of love that keeps on giving regardless of our past.
"Grace" is difficult for us to understand because it's illogical. It does not follow nor appeal to our human nature and it goes against the way the world works.
- Ex: The Merit System- If you work hard, study, and get an education you'll end up in a great college ;thus, have a successful life. Its Based on having all the right qualifications and the many list of achievements. Its a "Do" and you'll get type system and by "Do" I mean you better make you sure you do it well or don't even bother applying, and even then you better make sure you got some experience under your coat. Cause you can have the highest grades but with no experience you might as well be working retail. Im sure some of you are all to familiar with that type of system.
But, Gods grace doesn't work like that, not even close!
- Grace is just simply there it's a gift from God. Take a moment to take that in envision someone right now handing you a gift, a gift called grace. You know what a gift is right? But this one isn't because its your birthday, or christmas or anything like that. There is absolutely nothing you could do to get it because it's not based on your works, your achievements, your failures, or even your past. It's a gift! Free there for you to take it! Proof where the most vile of sinners that Jesus choose that the work of the spirit raised up to be Godly men of the bible.
"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is a gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." Ephesians 2:8-9
"For by grace" was manifested in the gift of His son to die in place of sinners. " through faith" the faith needed even as small as a mustard seed to acknowledge this very gift "it is a gift of God" nobody could have gave you this gift nor will give you this gift but Jesus himself in the cross "so that no one may boast".
For Jesus himself said this " I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"
The gift of grace offers salvation to all no one is excluded!Why do you need to be saved? because of sins. You need to know that we are all sinners and are under judgement and it is when Jesus comes into our lives and we are able to repent and accept this gift that He begins this work in us. he didn't come to condemn you he came to redeem you. Because of sin we are already condemned and he offers this gift of salvation.
This gift is there for you to receive it is offered to all! But not everyone accepts this gift. "He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance" 2 pet 3:9
Okay, so maybe you understand this a little better now. So now you have questions like.... "So what if I accept this gift and repent and I mess up? what then?"
God's grace is so vast so wide, and deep that he covers us. He will meet you in your weakness. This grace not only provides salvation but also teaches and transforms you. It is the work of the Holy spirit to perfect and refine your faith.
- God's grace first saves and then trains His people for godliness and good deeds.
At some point in our lives the grace of God appears to us to bring us salvation. So I ask you, have you encountered this grace? Have you heard of it? Maybe your hearing about it right now for the first time. I want you to know that its a gift from God for it appears to all to bring you salvation that by grace through faith you may believe.
The law of God alone cannot save you, you may think your a good person, and you may think you don't compare to others who are far worse but let me tell you because of sin you are condemned already since the beginning of time we all are. Jesus offers you a gift its not based on your deeds you need a real encounter with the living Christ. In Romans 8 It clearly states " For God has done what the law weakened by the flesh could not do. By sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the spirit."
The requirement is that you walk according to the spirit the Lord himself will guide and teach you what you need He will meet your every need. It woun't be easy but it is worth it. Its the ongoing work of grace to refine and perfect us.
It makes us grateful and a heart filled with gratitude gives us an awe and reverence for God. Grace has the power to teach and correct us and sanctify. But more importantly it guides us to a real encounter with jesus we begin to have a personal relationship and communion with Christ. He is more than willing to enable us to live a godly and righteous life. God is love and if you've ever read that verse you know that God is patient, he is kind, he does not envy, does not boast, not proud, keeps no record of being wronged ... and on I leave that task with you to finish that verse that you can find in 1 Corinthians 13:4 and 1 John 4:8. So that the word of God may speak to you and reveal mysteries unto you. I pray that with this topic on grace you may walk away with wonder for the Lord and a desire to experience his grace on a personal level. May the Lord guide, and bless you and that you may taste and see that the Lord is good!
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