Isn't it funny

You know whats so funny I just spent I don't know how long trying to come up with new ideas and phrases to make this blog a bit more interesting and try to resonate with the reader. But, for some odd reason each time I wrote something cool and different from my normal style of writing it would delete the WHOLE thing over and over again. So,
after the third day of I don't know how many failed attempts, I just gave up I got frustrated and jokingly said to God "ok, maybe you don't want me to write anything today or this month and closed the computer shut." Then I got to the real reason. I felt God telling me, you don't have to be like everyone else and their style of writing, you need to be original, and you most certainly don't have to add anything to make it cool and do what everybody else is doing to be a step ahead because it defies the message. So stop trying to add catchy phrases you are not meant to be like everyone else; your writing does not have to have all the qualities others do. The message you write has to be lead by me not you."
He's right so badly I want others to hear the message that I lose sight of God and begin to rely on myself and start to want to do all this extra stuff but I am  learning here literally as I write this to let it go and let God. For their to be more of Him and less me because if its not then no matter how hard I try I just wont be satisfied. So here I am writing this out  as I begin to feel the stress and the anxiety of having a perfect blog dissipate and I can feel Gods goodness and comfort envelop me. I know this feeling ohhh myyy! How I have missed it… Now I know I can begin writing and feel his acceptance. I don't really have the words to explain it but in simple words I would say its peaceful, and it just flows it feels right the kind of right even despite of me, it feels so natural. All I know is that God is in it because I don't have to try and force myself or any of that because I've lost control and normally giving up control of something doesn't come easily but I was practically screaming "God please take control because this is stressing me out!" even though I did it unknowingly its like somewhere deep within me my spirit knew I wasn't right and Gods Holy spirit was not going to let me have any peace until I let it go and gave it to him. Which by the way makes me feel so relived like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'll be back  I'm going to go cry my eyes out right now before God and thank Him because this moment is just to good to pass by and his sweetness is just calling me, luring me in ……….. that was beautiful just beautiful. I don't know how to continue on from here but maybe that in itself is the message. God bless! ….I would like to share this verse with you after I typed "God bless" I prayed God to help me find the right verse since I always try to end with one. I picked up my phone in search for inspiration  and this was the first verse that showed up and I know and believe it fits perfectly. Blessings! Be you!

"He comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God" - 2 Corinthians 1:4


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