Unfathomable Love

"God fills us up with his holy spirit", because of his kindness and grace. "It is a glorious grace because it covers our sin and empowers us to overcome sin and works of the devil". These are the words that I once heard and really took them in my heart. God is so good that he bestows his loving grace and unfathomable love, so unconditional and so sincere. When a believer experiences the holy spirit its like an enormous amount of peace, happiness, and an over-whelming sense (feeling) of being loved. I cant really describe the over all feeling because their is simply no words that can really live up to the experience of that moment. Its one of those feelings one could only experience to fully understand; and only then they will know the purest of love. I give him praise for his loving kindness, and glorious grace. "Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever. {Psalm136:26}


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